27 January 2012

Not going to ACTFL again, but for the best reason ever

Last year I didn't go to ACTFL because my proposal wasn't accepted and I didn't get to score AP exams to be able to fund the trip.
This year I knew I wasn't even going to try to go, but the reason is much happier. I'll let Zoe tell you:
So, here we go again! :)
The general malaise has lasted a lot longer this time and my blog and my grading have taken the hit for that. I'm feeling pretty good most days now so I hope to pick it up before I drop off the blogosphere again to take care of the new little one (due June 14). But I have a lot of drafts sitting on my dashboard of ideas for upcoming blog posts.
Exciting times for us!

06 January 2012

Free Ebook for WL educators

Our generous friends over at Calico Spanish have put together a free resource for you! Sign up today to receive Web Tools for 21st Century World Language Classrooms. This free e-book is an organized, user-friendly collaboration based on past Twitter #Langchats related to using web tools to enhance and develop all sorts of language acquisition activities and assessments.

Get Your Free Ebook Now
